Source code for lf2i.diagnostics.diagnostics

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Sequence
import pathlib
from tqdm import tqdm
import warnings
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

import rpy2.robjects as robj
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri
import numpy as np
import torch
from sbi.inference.posteriors.base_posterior import NeuralPosterior
from sbi.utils.kde import KDEWrapper
from sbi.simulators.simutils import tqdm_joblib

from lf2i.test_statistics.waldo import Waldo
from lf2i.utils.calibration_diagnostics_inputs import (
from lf2i.utils.other_methods import hpd_region, gaussian_prediction_sets

[docs] def estimate_coverage_proba( indicators: np.ndarray, parameters: np.ndarray, estimator: str, estimator_kwargs: Dict, param_dim: int, new_parameters: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, n_sigma: int = 2 ) -> Tuple[Any, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Estimate conditional coverage probabilities by regressing `indicators`, which signal if the corresponding value in `parameters` was included or not in the parameter region, against the `parameters` themselves. Note that `indicators` can be computed from any parameter region (posterior credible sets, confidence sets, prediction sets, etc ...). Parameters ---------- indicators : np.ndarray Array of zeros and ones to mark which `parameters` were included or not in the corresponding parameter regions. parameters : np.ndarray Array of p-dimensional parameters. estimator : str Name of the probabilistic classifier to use to estimate coverage probabilities. estimator_kwargs : Dict Settings for `estimator`. param_dim : int Dimensionality of the parameter. new_parameters : Optional[np.ndarray], optional Array of parameters over which to estimate/evaluate coverage probabilities. If not provided, both training and evaluation of the probabilistic classifier are done over `parameters`. n_sigma : int, optional Uncertainties around the estimated mean coverage proabilities are computed as :math:`\mu \pm se \cdot n\_sigma`. If using the `splines` estimator, the standard errors are based on the posterior distribution of the model coefficients. By default 2. Returns ------- Tuple[Any, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] Fitted estimator, evaluated parameters, and estimated coverage probabilities -- mean, upper-n_sigma bound. lower-n_sigma bound Raises ------ ValueError `Estimator` must be one of [`splines`] """ indicators, parameters, new_parameters = preprocess_diagnostics(indicators, parameters, new_parameters, param_dim) if estimator in ['splines']: estimator = fit_r_estimator( estimator, indicators, parameters, param_dim ) mean_proba, upper_proba, lower_proba = predict_r_estimator( estimator, parameters if new_parameters is None else new_parameters, param_dim, n_sigma ) else: # TODO: additional methods? raise ValueError(f"Estimators currently supported: [`splines`]; got {estimator}") out_parameters = parameters if new_parameters is None else new_parameters return estimator, out_parameters, mean_proba, upper_proba, lower_proba
[docs] def compute_indicators_lf2i( test_statistics: np.ndarray, critical_values: np.ndarray, parameters: np.ndarray, acceptance_region: str, param_dim: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Construct an array of indicators which mark whether each value in `parameters` is included or not in the corresponding LF2I confidence region. This assumes that `parameters` is an array containing the “true” values, as simulated for the diagnostics branch. Instead of actually checking if the parameter is geometrically included in the confidence region or not, this allows to simply deem a value as included if the corresponding test does not reject it. Parameters ---------- test_statistics : np.ndarray Array of test statistics. Each value must be computed for the test with corresponding (null) value of `parameters`, given a sample generate from it. critical_values : np.ndarray Array of critical values, each computed for the test with corresponding (null) value of `parameters`, against which to compare the test statistics. parameters : np.ndarray True (simulated) parameter values. If a parameter is in the acceptance region of the corresponding test, then it is included in the confidence set. acceptance_region : str Whether the acceptance region for the corresponding test is defined to be on the right or on the left of the critical value. Must be either `left` or `right`. param_dim : int Dimensionality of the parameter. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of zeros and ones that indicate whether the corresponding value in `parameters` is included or not in the confidence region. Raises ------ ValueError `acceptance_region` must be either `left` or `right`. """ # TODO: convert torch Tensors into numpy arrays test_statistics, critical_values, parameters = \ preprocess_indicators_lf2i(test_statistics, critical_values, parameters, param_dim) indicators = np.zeros(shape=(parameters.shape[0], )) if acceptance_region == 'left': indicators[test_statistics <= critical_values] = 1 elif acceptance_region == 'right': indicators[test_statistics >= critical_values] = 1 else: raise ValueError(f"Acceptance region must be either `left` or `right`, got {acceptance_region}") return indicators
[docs] def compute_indicators_posterior( posterior: Union[NeuralPosterior, KDEWrapper, Sequence[Union[NeuralPosterior, KDEWrapper]]], parameters: torch.Tensor, samples: torch.Tensor, parameter_grid: torch.Tensor, confidence_level: float, param_dim: int, batch_size: int, num_p_levels: int = 100_000, tol: float = 0.01, return_credible_regions: bool = False, n_jobs: int = -2 ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]]]: """Construct an array of indicators which mark whether each value in `parameters` is included or not in the corresponding posterior credible region. Parameters ---------- posterior : Union[NeuralPosterior, KDEWrapper, Sequence[Union[NeuralPosterior, KDEWrapper]]], Estimated posterior distribution. If `Sequence` of posteriors, we assume i-th posterior is estimated given i-th element of `samples`. Must have `log_prob()` method. parameters : torch.Tensor, True (simulated) parameter values, for which inclusion in the corresponding credible region is checked. samples : torch.Tensor, Array of d-dimensional samples, each generated from the corresponding value in `parameters`. parameter_grid : torch.Tensor, Parameter space over which `posterior` is defined. This is used to construct the credible region. confidence_level : float Confidence level of the credible regions to be constructed. Must be in (0, 1). param_dim : int Dimensionality of the parameter. batch_size : int Number of samples drawn from the same parameter value, for each batch in `samples`. Each element of `samples` is of size (batch_size, data_dim). num_p_levels : int, optional Number of level sets to consider to construct the high-posterior-density credible region, by default 100_000. tol : float, optional Tolerance for the coverage probability of the credible region, used as stopping criterion to construct it, by default 0.01. return_credible_regions: bool, optional Whether to return the credible regions computed along the way or not. n_jobs : int, optional Number of workers to use when computing indicators over a sequence of inputs. By default -2, which uses all cores minus one. Returns ------- Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]]] Array of zeros and ones that indicate whether the corresponding value in `parameters` is included or not in the credible region. If `return_credible_regions`, then return a tuple whose second element is a sequence of credible regions (one for each parameter/sample). """ parameters, samples, parameter_grid, posterior = \ preprocess_indicators_posterior(parameters, samples, parameter_grid, param_dim, batch_size, posterior) def single_hpd_region(idx): _, credible_region = hpd_region( posterior=next(posterior),, parameters[idx, :].reshape(1, param_dim))), x=samples[idx, :, :], confidence_level=confidence_level, num_p_levels=num_p_levels, tol=tol ) # TODO: this is not safe. Better to return an array of bools and check if True indicator = 1 if parameters[idx, :] in credible_region else 0 return credible_region, indicator with tqdm_joblib(tqdm(it:=range(samples.shape[0]), desc=f"Computing indicators for {len(it)} credible regions", total=len(it))) as _: out = list(zip(*Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(single_hpd_region)(idx) for idx in it))) credible_regions, indicators = out[0], np.array(out[1]) if return_credible_regions: return indicators, credible_regions else: return indicators
[docs] def compute_indicators_prediction( test_statistic: Waldo, parameters: np.ndarray, samples: np.ndarray, confidence_level: float, param_dim: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Construct an array of indicators which mark whether each value in `parameters` is included or not in the corresponding prediction set. The (central) prediction set is computed using a gaussian approximation. Parameters ---------- test_statistic: Waldo An instance of the Waldo test statistic object, where Waldo.estimator and Waldo.cond_variance_estimator have been trained and have a `predict(X=...)` method to estimate the conditional mean and conditional variance given `samples`. parameters : np.ndarray True (simulated) parameter values, for which inclusion in the corresponding prediction set is checked. confidence_level : float Confidence level of the credible regions to be constructed. Must be in (0, 1). param_dim : int Dimensionality of the parameter. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of zeros and ones that indicate whether the corresponding value in `parameters` is included or not in the prediction set. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Only implemented for one-dimensional parameters. """ parameters, samples = preprocess_indicators_prediction(parameters, samples, param_dim) if param_dim == 1: prediction_sets_bounds = gaussian_prediction_sets( conditional_mean_estimator=test_statistic.estimator, conditional_variance_estimator=test_statistic.cond_variance_estimator, samples=samples, confidence_level=confidence_level, param_dim=param_dim ) indicators = np.zeros(shape=(parameters.shape[0], )) indicators[ ( (parameters >= prediction_sets_bounds[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1)) & (parameters <= prediction_sets_bounds[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1)) ).reshape(-1, ) ] = 1 else: raise NotImplementedError return indicators
[docs] def fit_r_estimator( estimator: str, indicators: np.ndarray, parameters: np.ndarray, param_dim: int ) -> Any: """Estimate coverage probabilities across the whole parameter space using a pre-defined estimator available in R. Parameters ---------- estimator : str Name of the estimator to use. indicators : np.ndarray Array of zeros and ones that indicate whether the corresponding value in `parameters` is included or not in the parameter region. parameters : np.ndarray True (simulated) parameter values. param_dim : int Dimensionality of the parameter. Returns ------- Any A model object returned by the corresponding R code. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Estimator must be one of [`gam`, TBD] """ file_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / 'estimators.r' robj.r(f"source('{file_path}')") robj.conversion.py2ri = robj.numpy2ri rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri.activate() indicators = robj.r.matrix(indicators) parameters = robj.r.matrix(parameters.reshape((parameters.size)), nrow=parameters.shape[0], ncol=parameters.shape[1], byrow=True) if estimator == 'splines': try: output_dict = robj.globalenv['fit_joint_splines'](indicators, parameters, param_dim) except Exception as e: estimator = 'gam_splines' # NOTE: memoryerror can occur if joint splines tensor is too big. Default behaviour is to use additive splines (one for each input) for now. warnings.warn(f'Training joint tensor product splines basis raised {str(e)}. Reverting to additive splines via GAMs.') output_dict = robj.globalenv['fit_additive_splines'](indicators, parameters, param_dim) else: # TODO: additional methods? raise NotImplementedError(f"Estimator must be one of [`splines`], got {estimator}") output_dict = dict(zip(output_dict.names, list(output_dict))) return output_dict[estimator]
[docs] def predict_r_estimator( fitted_estimator: Any, # r object parameters: np.ndarray, param_dim: int, n_sigma: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Evaluate the trained R estimator and estimate the coverage probabilities given `parameters`. Parameters ---------- fitted_estimator : Any Trained estimator, as returned by `fit_r_estimator`. param_dim : int Dimensionality of the parameter. n_sigma : int Uncertainties around the estimated mean coverage proabilities are computed as mean +- se * n_sigma, by default 2. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] Estimated conditional coverage probabilities -- mean, upper-n_sigma bound. lower-n_sigma bound """ file_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / 'estimators.r' robj.r(f"source('{file_path}')") robj.conversion.py2ri = robj.numpy2ri rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri.activate() parameters = robj.r.matrix(parameters.reshape((parameters.size)), nrow=parameters.shape[0], ncol=parameters.shape[1], byrow=True) # TODO: this assumes a gam-like model output_dict = robj.globalenv['predict_gam'](fitted_estimator, parameters, param_dim) output_dict = dict(zip(output_dict.names, list(output_dict))) mean_proba = np.array(output_dict["predictions"]) upper_proba = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(1, mean_proba + np.array(output_dict["se"]) * n_sigma)) lower_proba = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(1, mean_proba - np.array(output_dict["se"]) * n_sigma)) return mean_proba, upper_proba, lower_proba